I'm happy with the way the water has turned out....I like the way the light is high-lighting the ripples. I will probably 'touch it up' a little at the end.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Kids Playing in the Creek
This painting I started a few weeks ago at my 'demo' at the 'Childscape' exhibition.
'oil underpainting'
background foliage painted....
Tomorrow I'll continue on with the water......
Friday, September 18, 2009
Holiday Fun...and Art!
I'm back!....I've been away with my family for a week, to Kings Beach on the Sunshine Coast. Just lovely...beautifull warm sunny days...we had a great time.
I wasn't going to take my 'sketch pad', but I couldn't help myself. I've become very inspired by all my 'fellow bloggers'....so many of you are outdoors painting and sketching. I've done 'life drawing' sessions but not much 'outdoor' painting and drawing.
It certainly was a challenge....why won't 'people' stand still! Only joking...I had to learn to draw very fast, simple strokes and lines. In the end I just treated it like the quick 10seconds warm-up sketches we would do in 'life drawing'.
They were a 'bit of fun', and it was interesting drawing all the different body shapes... from children to adults.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Finished 'Demo' Artwork
I've now finished my 'demo' painting from last Saturday....as you can tell, I love painting 'grass'...all the colours, and the beautiful 'flicks' of light in the blades of grass...I'm pretty happy with the end result.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Childscape - Artist Talk and Demo
Who's hiding behind that canvas?!
My demo went very well. There was a good 'turn out' of people, all very interested in how 'I do what I do'. I know I'm silly...but I was pretty nervous at first...it's strange to have an audience watch you paint.
There were a number of people wanting to know if I gave lessons. Everyone was so interested in the process and how I painted....I feel that I now have the confidence to 'give it a go'...teach that is. (I've never taught before.)
Anyway...it was a very rewarding day...I enjoyed myself immensely.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Preparing for my Artist Talk and Demo
I'm doing a 'demo' and an informal 'artist talk' in conjuction with my 'Childscape' exhibition. It's this Saturday (5/9) at the Pine Rivers Art Gallery 2pm to 3-30pm. It's something I've never done before...how do you show someone how you paint in less then 2 hours.
What I thought I might do is take a few different canvases painted at different stages. Over the past couple of months, I have also taken photos at different stages...both with my pastels and oil paintings. The following photos are stages of an oil painting, canvas size 40 x 50cm. Its just about completed...
1st stage-I like to get all my darks in...I use permanent mauve or alizarin or yellow ochre...it all depends what look I'm after...'cool' 'warm' etc.
2nd Stage-I do a full 'turpsy' wash...an underpainting...very loose at this stage. I then leave this for a couple of days to dry.
3rd stage-painting is now nearing completiton...I love it at this stage...it comes alive! I've still got to complete the right side of the 'artwork', the 'figure' in blue and finish highlighting. I will leave this for my demo...hopefully this will give everyone a general idea of how I 'paint'.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
This might seem like a 'silly' posting....but this 'blogging' stuff is all new too me...I'm just starting to 'get into it'. I'm thoroughly enjoying searching for and 'following' other artists...enjoying what they create...and then also sharing what I do. To 'connect' with people all around the world, is amazing! Such fun! (though it keeps me up late at night!)
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